

The gift to create form, from the mist of imagination, is pure magic!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Buddha's Demise

20.5x28.5 inches; Pen drawing on handmade paper with watercolour wash (Click on image to enlarge)

Terrorism, violence, hate, intolerance, mindless chaos and the ebbing value of human lives define our existence in a so called ‘Progressive Society’. Peace is a fool’s paradise. Secularism is a joke. Freedom is just an empty promise, caged in fear. Being brave seems like an act of stupidity! Culture has become a dictate of those in power who rarely have any clear knowledge on the subject. Political leaders have become new age prophets, the media their preaching ground and the majority of the mass their mind controlled followers! In such times, it is not difficult to imagine how a group of young messiahs of doom managed to storm into Mumbai from the sea, to gun down their fellow human beings at random, or why the Twin Towers of New York have become history! In our fight against others we are forgetting ourselves. This painting is an ode to those lost values. It is my probing question for you, ‘Has the human milk of kindness run dry?’


I-the dude from IITKGP said...

Great piece, of commentary. Absolutely brilliant. Hits the mark..

I-the dude from IITKGP said...


how he spoilt this picture with his, "water color - Wash!". I was living next door when this was in the making. The New Years eve had the Buddha rolling in goodies till late night.
