

The gift to create form, from the mist of imagination, is pure magic!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


8x12 inches; Pen drawing on handmade paper with watercolour wash (Click on image to enlarge)
Lost in a fire.

He, the elephant headed God is the son of Parvati aka Durga alone! Shiva's potent sperm had nothing to do with the birth of Ganesha (The lord of the Ganas) known to the bengali tongue as Gawnesh. He was created out of the sandalwood paste used as an ointment on Parvati's body, while she was taking her ritual bath. In a playful mood (leela) she scraped the sandalwood paste off her body and moulded it like clay into the form of a boy and breathed life into him! Now, how did Ganesha lose his human head and acquire the elephant's head is a long story, and yes, Shiva had a lot to do with it! He is invoked to overcome obstacles in the path of any venture. And I find him to be damn cute!

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