

The gift to create form, from the mist of imagination, is pure magic!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Promises of Promiscuity

20.5x28.5 inches; Pen drawing on handmade paper with watercolour wash (Click on image to enlarge)
SOLD. In private collection

Our eyes avoid meeting
Like moths evading darkness
But words keep spilling around
Leading us by the hand
Into meandering alleys
Dead ends...
Of old forgotten cities.

We recognize the charade
Yet, we indulge
For the sake of appearances
A fleeting glance meets
Catches flame!
We see each in the eyes of the other
Burning, a mirror of mutual shame.

Don’t take off that mask of words
The fine web of silk will tear
Revealing the dark circles
Under our smiles.
Cracks will show
In the walls of our hearts
The emotions all piled up in a row.

Keep the doors and windows barred
The curtains down, shrouded...
For fear our precious image gets tarnished.
A masterpiece so carefully crafted
With half truths and ruse
By the dust of dreams, the bile of regret
And spotless virtue, as our muse.

- Rudra Kishore Mandal


Incognita said...

"A masterpiece so carefully crafted
With half truths and ruse"
How perfectly and meticulously we craft them indeed!
Your words and the coupling of lines are both visual and sensual. I love the eyes in the moth wings, the red of shame, the lips at the heart of the flowers. Will spend more time with the intricate details.

Rudra said...

It is a pleasure to receive a comment from you! :) The fact that you have spent so much time getting involved with this painting is a compliment in itself! When my art reaches out and touches your deepest thoughts as a viewer, i feel the pride and joy as a creator! Thank you so much! :)

Incognita said...

I have seen the power of your eye motif and the way you position eyes, hands and the heart as well in another painting. I am sure in time the parts and the whole will speak to me. I do connect with art at several levels. I am happy to be among those who evoke that sense of joy in you.
The one thing I like more than art is talking about art. You certainly open a doorway to that process through the writing that accompanies the art.
I do wonder though whether I should look at one of the works and express my reaction before reading what you have written.

Rudra said...

I believe each piece of art should evoke conversation around it. It needs to be talked about, explored. The artist needs to have an open mind and hear what his audience has to say. What the artist creates is limited by his understanding of the subject. But once the creation stands alone in front of the viewer, it has a life of its own and reaches out to the viewer in many more ways than the artist could have imagined. So, I guess, it will be very helpful for me to know your reactions solely based on the artwork, rather than what I project it to be through my writing. Looking forward to such reactions from you! :)

Incognita said...

Rudra I'll do that with my next one. I'll pick a work at random and write my thoughts down.
This is really going to an interesting experience!
Thanks for being so responsive to responses and continuing the conversation.

Rudra said...

Oh! That is very exciting to know! I am looking forward to it! Thanks to you too for taking the time out and making such an effort. I appreciate it very much because not many people will do this! :)