

The gift to create form, from the mist of imagination, is pure magic!

Showing posts with label contemporary Indian art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label contemporary Indian art. Show all posts

Friday, November 29, 2024



20.5x28.5 inches; Watercolour, pen and ink over graphite pencil on handmade paper (Click on image to enlarge)

I am not a masculine man.

I deny to fit into that notion of a man.

I recoil from what I must become

To prove that I am enough of a man.


Many tried to make a man

Of what they found in me of a man!

Between my legs lay, for some,

Proof enough to define me as a man.


Once I was told by a proud macho man,

“Either you grow into a manly man

Or you must a man’s victim become!”

I wilted and curled into a wimpy man.


Teased for being the sissy man,

Bullied for not being a tough man,

I grew up to remain, for some,

A complete disgrace to the name of man.


I don’t care to be accepted as a man

Because that which confines every man,

I defied; to breathe my freedom,

I embody the fear of emasculation in each man.

Saturday, September 7, 2024



20.5x28.5 inches; Watercolour, pen and ink over graphite pencil on handmade paper (Click on image to enlarge)

I dress up for the night. I have washed myself in a bucket of water. A necessity that feels more like a luxury as water is precious. The municipal tap flows for two hours every day. We are a home of eight. That bucket of water was the ocean to me. I rose from it to become Mohini from Mohan.

I put on my makeup. The face powder, I bought with my money. A gift to myself for my last birthday. The kajal pencil, now a 2 inch stub, was generously donated by Padma. The red lipstick I stole from a shop that has pretty ladies working as sales girls. I wish I could get a job like that. Yes, I do earn a living, being a bride for one night to strange lovers, but the money is barely enough for rent, clothes and food.

I look at myself in the mirror. I admire the illusion of beauty I see there. The light from one naked bulb bathes my form in bright light and deep shadows. Like a solar eclipse when Raahu tries to devour the sun. I pluck a stray hair on my upper lip and a wayward eyelash with a pair of tweezers. I place a black dot on the left, over my upper lip, mid-way between the corner of my lip and nostril. Perfect.

I take a band of long soft cloth, cut from an old cotton saree and wrap it around the lower part of my chest. A little tightly, not tight enough to cause trouble breathing. Then I push the soft fleshy upper part of my chest from both sides near the armpits, upwards and inwards towards the centre of my chest. I feel a shiver as I see my cleavage take shape where my chest hair used to be. I adjust the tightness of the band of cloth to keep the cleavage in position.

I wear a sleeveless white blouse with a deep neckline. Deep enough to reveal the cleavage I created but not the means holding it in place. I have a pair of balloons filled with water, something Bobby had taught me. I insert them each in the two empty tents in my blouse which were meant to house soft breasts. The water filled balloons create a bounce that mimics real breasts better than sponge pads. It has its risk too if the balloons burst, but I still prefer it. I roll my shoulder and adjust the strap of the blouse checking the bounce.  

I drape a pearly white chiffon saree with conch shell design embroidered with sequins, the latest fashion popularized by the actress Bhanumati, over my bleached white petticoat. Bleach to keep the spots and germs away. I wish I could bleach away the germs inside me too but that is another story. I look at my reflection in the mirror again. I put on my beaded dangler earrings and a matching bead necklace, stolen from my elder sister, many years ago. The only heirloom I possess to remind me of the family I was born to. I begin to recognize myself now. “Me Mohini!” I whisper.

Now, to complete the transformation I pick up the wig Lakshmi lent me yesterday. She is not going out to meet clients for the next few days. She is not well. High fever with a nasty cough. So, I borrowed her wig; silky and shiny black hair styled in waves like the dark ocean raging inside me. I put it on and flip my head back to feel the hair cascade around my neck. I tilt my head, my eyes half closed as if I am drunk on the nectar of life and I blow a kiss at my reflection.

I pick up my handbag and check if I have the condoms and sachets of lube. A social worker keeps giving us these things for free. Keeps us safe from diseases, she says. There are many dangers other than diseases that come with the territory in the line of my work. I feel far from safe but at least she is trying to keep me safe from one villain. I throw in my comb, lipstick and an antiseptic ointment. I wear my flat slip-on sandals. No heels for me. You never know when you need to run. I switch off the light and I shout “I am going out!” and I step out into the night humming a song to myself.

“I am a bride for a night, every night!

A flickering flame for willing lovers

Who drink from my pot of eternal life,

Turning to dust on the bed covers

At the end of every night, every night!”

Monday, January 9, 2023

Criminal Culture (4) - 'Sala Chhakka'


13.5x20.5 inches; Watercolour, pen and ink over graphite pencil on handmade paper (Click on image to enlarge)

I walk down the road

Stepping to the beat

Of your insults and gibes.

The side long glances,

Disgust rising with bile,

A lingering threat of

Courting harm for my

Denial of nonexistence!

“Sala Chhakka...”spat out

Your failure to define me!

It falls flat, I turn the corner

Resuming my well-rehearsed moves!

I have lost enough life practicing

Not to justify your limitations!

Monday, November 2, 2020

Criminal Culture (3) - Burn that 'Witch'


13.5x20.5 inches; Pen drawing on handmade paper with watercolour wash (Click on image to enlarge)

Joan of Arc was burnt on a pile of faggots by cowards proclaiming she was a witch. A woman who led an army to victory was murdered in a public spectacle because a few men in power felt threatened by her rising popularity and increasing power. Before she was killed, these cowards had her go through an inhuman virginity test. I often imagine what would have happened if Joan was actually a powerful witch? One thing is for sure, she would not have burnt on that pile of faggots!

In our country witches/hags (‘Daieni’ in Bangali, ‘Dayan’ in Hindi, ‘Mantragatte’ in Telegu and it has a equivalent term in each Indian language!) are paraded naked in the village, tied to a post/tree, beaten/stoned, raped and then killed by hanging, burnt alive or just beaten to death! Witches are primarily women (Not that Men can’t be witches, but they are more respected than the women. No surprises there). In the cities, witches mostly get to keep their life, but that can be worse than death! How do they identify witches? There are time tested pointers. If your mother or dies while giving birth to you, or anyone else in your family or neighbourhood dies at the time of your birth, you are immediately labelled as inauspicious and a witch. They will say, ‘The witch has devoured her mother at birth!’ This identity will not leave you all your life!

And then, if you are outspoken, you are a witch. If you are rebellious, you are a witch. If men find you attractive you are a witch (Of course you have done black magic on them. Or else who will look at you twice?) If you fall in love with a man and the man loves you back, you have trapped him in your dark magic - witch. If you reject the advances of a man, and that man is obsessed with you because he can’t get you, you are playing hard to get - witch. If that man harms himself because of your rejection, you drove him mad - witch. If the man you love becomes your husband, you seduced him - witch. If you have more than one man vying for your attention, you are a shameless - witch. If you are friendly with your husband’s friends, you are a temptress - witch. If your husband becomes ill, gets unlucky or dies, you cursed him - witch. If you are a spinster, you are a frustrated - witch. Anything bad happens to anyone who is related to you, you are a wrathful - witch. If your neighbourhood gets affected by a natural calamity, you are a demonic - witch. If your womb is dry, you are a barren - witch. If your husband is impotent, YOU are a barren - witch. If you are a career woman, you are a greedy and power hungry - witch. If you are lazy, you are a good for nothing - witch... You get the picture. Being a witch has much less to do with superstition and more to do with being born a girl. It also has a lot to do with class and caste related disadvantages!

You see, a woman born in a poor, lower caste household is already considered a curse (Not that the rich care much for women, but they do not have to worry about feeding another mouth or arranging dowry for the daughter when she needs to be married.) and if you are a woman who has a strong mind and an indomitable spirit, you become a threat to many including yourself, just like Joan of Arc. You become a threat to the power of men and other women who thrive in the shade of that power. And that is when you become a witch, because without magical and supernatural superpowers a woman cannot mange to stand with or against men, forget about leading men! We are the weaker sex, remember? So, we need to be witches to challenge authority and it also helps authority to demonize us as witches and deny us our human needs, be it our freedom, choice, consent, sexuality or desires. We are uprooted, torn apart, flung away and yet we survive. Like weed we grow in the decorated ‘Garden of Eden’. Some time posthumously we are made into a goddess like Yellamma, Matangi and Renuka; just how Joan was made a saint 489 years after she was burnt alive as a witch!


Witch – meaning in slang

·         Anyone (mostly women) who practices witchcraft or black magic

·         A bitter or hateful woman (Also called Hag)

·         A woman who is old, ugly, unattractive and frigid

·         A woman who is very attractive to men

·         A woman who dominates men

·         A synonym for ‘Bitch’

Note: Also applicable to feminine homosexual men and transgender persons

‘Witch’ is a sexist/misogynist/classist/racist slur/insult used for

1.       Woman of colour (black/brown women and women of aboriginal descent)

2.       Woman of lower caste/class

3.       Woman who is credited with usually malignant supernatural powers earned by practicing black witchcraft often with the aid of a devil 

4.       Woman who is perceived to bring bad luck

5.       Woman who is confident of her sexuality and sexual allure

6.       Woman who is ugly and unattractive

7.       Woman who has outgrown her sexual utility or frigid

8.       Woman who is a threat to the power of men

Note: Also applicable to feminine homosexual men and transgender persons

It is interesting to note how the word ‘witch’ is used to denigrate both attractive and unattractive women; Attractive or unattractive to whom? Men, of course! So, the worth of women boils down to their utility as sex objects for men. If a woman knows that she is attractive, she becomes difficult to ‘own’. It is also easier to blame ‘black magic’ for getting involved in a sexual encounter with a woman just to satisfy one’s ‘lust’!  Hence demonizing her as a ‘witch’ makes these men salvage their own masculinity by passing the blame of their moral 'corruption' on to the ‘black magic’ she employed. On the other hand a woman, who is unattractive to men, remains out of control of men as they do not want to possess/own her. Hence she needs to be marginalized and demonized to be kept under control, lest she finds the lack of control empowering.

The word ‘witch’ is rooted in the history of labelling women, who threaten men’s power, as crazy or evil. Cultures that socially establish women in a disempowered position are more likely to demonize them as “evil” and accuse them “of witchcraft” when they try to empower themselves. According to the latest estimates, 45,000 people were executed for witchcraft in Early Modern Europe and Eighty percent of people charged with witchcraft in Early Modern Europe were women. Historians argue the witch hunt was a result of socioeconomic inequalities, envy, as a way to make sense of unexplainable tragedy, or the result of religious and political conflict. Religious misogyny and superstitions to keep women in control are the most common motives for murders in the guise of witch hunts.

‘According to India’s National Crime Records Bureau, more than 2500 people in India have been tortured and killed in these hunts between 2000 to 2016, most of them being women. However, people say that “number is much higher, because most states don’t list witchcraft as a motive of murder”. So there is no concrete number of people that have lost their lives to being accused of a witch. On average, an Indian woman is “killed every other day after being accused of witchcraft, according to government statistics”’ (Source – Link 1 for further reading)

Within the context of men’s control over women, the only power that women were perceived to possess was their sexuality and sexual agency to attract men. It is therefore apparent why feminine beauty is linked with witchcraft.

‘A number of terms that relate to women’s ability to appear desirable have magical connotations. Most obviously, a woman can be “bewitching” in her power to lure men. In addition, the word “glamour”, which we associate with stylish women, originally referred to the occult and a spell that made the viewer see an object or person differently to its actual appearance.’ (Source – Link 2 for further reading)

Women have begun to reclaim the word “witch” and transform the qualities it connotes into positive traits.

Popular misconception which is propagated in our society – A ‘Witch’ is hateful, vengeful, conniving, inauspicious and immoral along with being ‘anti orthodox religion'. Hence, they are utterly harmful and dangerous for everyone around them. They should be hunted down and treated as criminals. A ‘Witch’ needs to be exposed, judged and punished. A ‘Witch’ deserves punishment in the form of physical, verbal and psychological abuse - Domestic violence, torture, rape, public shaming, invasion of privacy, dehumanizing, curtailing support system and taking life - each one a criminal act against humanity.

For further reading:


1.       https://www.arcgis.com/apps/Cascade/index.html?appid=44f8a8cc132b4b76b8aedb8672580edf

2.       https://theconversation.com/witches-both-mad-and-bad-a-loaded-word-with-an-ugly-history-52804

3.       https://egrove.olemiss.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1722&context=hon_thesis

4.       https://www.thebetterindia.com/175301/witch-hunt-murder-crime-women-india/

5.       https://blog.ipleaders.in/witch-hunting-attacks-in-india/

Monday, October 12, 2020

Criminal Culture (2) – Hurt that ‘Slut’

13.5x20.5 inches; Pen drawing on handmade paper with watercolour wash (Click on image to enlarge) 

Love is a good excuse. You see, in this region, men have a lot of heat and we are always ready to have sex with girls (Woman sounds very... it has a not-a-virgin ring to it! Though many a times due to lack of options many desperate men will go to the red light area or satisfy their hunger with a hot bhabi (i) in the colony. But those cases are rare and much uncultured! And no, in our culture men don’t bang other men or Chhakkas (ii)! Disgraceful! Better poke a goat than commit such a sin!), but we do not always get the opportunity because good girls save their virginity for their husbands. So, what should we men do? How long can we depend on our own hands to release our heat? And you can’t get married to every girl you fancy just for masti (iii). That’s when love comes handy.

“How?” you ask. Let me explain then. I am an able bodied, unmarried, virile man (For men age does not matter, what matters is whether we can get ‘it’ up!) and handsome (Won’t you agree?). So, first I select a girl. I set my eyes on this fair, young, curvaceous item number (Such big assets (iv)!), who comes to my shop regularly to buy supplies and often looks at me and smiles coyly. I get a feeling that she is ripe for plucking. I start to spin my web around her. Give her discounts, free gifts...you know the drill. Then one day, when she has a big load to carry back home, I offer to drop her home on my Yamaha. You understand right? It is like killing two birds with the same stone. I get to impress her with my motorbike and I get to feel her body press against my back during the ride! Clever, no? I can’t tell you how many times I shook my wand that night, just remembering the feeling of her melon like boobs pressing against my back! I already knew where she lived, the daughter of our old postmaster!

So, I start working my charm and it takes me five whole months to make her believe that I love her and I will marry her! That’s the magic promise. Then she does what I want, and dances to the tune of my flute like a drunk Nagin (v)! A virgin one that too! What a catch! For the next couple of months, my hands get time off from shaking my wand! She burns with every touch of mine and asks for it again and again. I still get hot thinking about it. So, mission accomplished.  I get to bang a virgin with just three magic words ‘I Love You!’ Now you understand?

What happened after that? Well, she started nagging me to marry her, every time we met. I made excuses. I never intended to marry her, right? That arrangement was working out fine for me. I always used a condom, so she can’t blackmail me with pregnancy! I am clever, I tell you.

It gets boring after that. How can I, an eligible bachelor with a profitable business and loads of money, marry a girl whose father lives on government salary? What dowry will she fetch? It would have been something if they owned any property, but they lived in a government quarter. And why marry just for masti when there were other flowers to pluck in the garden? And moreover she proved to be a ‘Slut’. I used and tasted her already. If she was a girl of virtue she would have protected her honour and virginity and insisted that I marry her before jumping into bed with me. But she was too easy! I want my wife to be a virgin on our wedding night, untouched by any man. It was a no deal!  So, I dumped her. Oh she did such drama, but then I reminded her that I have some of her ‘khul-ja-simsim’(vi) photos with me and if she acted too smart, I will make them public. That took her off my back! But what hot sex I had as long as it lasted. She could give Sunny Leone a run for her money, boss! Those photographs I have of her, serve their purpose well, even today (Wink!).

What became of her? Well, the ‘Slut’ got what she deserved (I can’t stand ‘Sluts’ you know!). She was married off in a hurry to a government clerk from the neighbouring district. On the wedding night Mister found out Missus was not a virgin! He beat the ‘Slut’ black and blue and two days later dumped her back at her father’s house. If you ask me, she got away easy! If I come to know my wife is a ‘Slut’, on my wedding night, I will hurt her so bad that I will kill her after I take all the pleasure from her. Soon, the entire family left this neighbourhood, quietly in the night, like thieves. No news after that.

What about me? I am still single, buzzing around drinking nectar from different flowers in the garden. If you know of a good, virgin, young girl, from a rich business family, fix her up with me. I will reward you with those photos of the ‘Slut’.

(i) Brother’s wife

(ii) Slang for Hijras/eunuchs

(iii) Sexual pleasure

(iv) Refers to the physical attributes of the girl, namely her breasts, hips and ass.

(v) Female snake

(vi) Refers to ‘Open sesame’ indicating revealing/naked pictures


 Slut – meaning in slang

~ A dirty, slovenly woman (Rarely used nowadays)

~ A servant girl or a slave (Classist and racist origins)

 An immoral woman

~ A female sex worker

~ A person who is sexually promiscuous (Mostly used for women but also used for homosexual/bisexual men and transgender persons)

~ A person with excessive desire to do or have something specific

Slut is a sexist/misogynist/classist/racist slur/insult used for

1.       Woman of colour (more often for black/brown women)

2.       Woman with multiple sexual partners

3.       Sex worker

4.       Homosexual/bisexual man and transgender person who is promiscuous

5.       Woman who is aware of her sexuality and sexual agency and uses it with confidence

6.        A woman who uses sex to get benefits, jobs or promotions (work place)

7.       Women/men as sex slaves

There is no equivalent derogatory term which can be used to describe a sexually promiscuous heterosexual man. The terms like stud, player and womanizer are used in a rather pompous manner to applaud male promiscuity as big achievement. This exposes the double standards of society’s moral codes set for men and women.

Feminists and LGBTQ rights movements have reclaimed the word ‘Slut’ and use it with pride, denoting that promiscuity is nothing to be ashamed of. Psychoanalyst and social critic Susie Orbach says, “The problem with the word slut is that it has cut women off because they have energy around their sexual desires and we are still so prejudiced about this. But if we reclaim the word, it simply becomes an issue of 'so what?'." The SlutWalk movement which has gained considerable ground also establishes this along with protest against the idea that a woman's appearance, often considered promiscuous, is a justification of inviting sexual assault and rape. The participants in these walks protest against individuals that excuse rape due to the woman's appearance, including victim blaming and slut shaming.

Popular misconception which is propagated in our society – A ‘Slut’ is not worthy of any dignity or human decency and hence can be dealt with in the basest ways. A ‘Slut’ promotes immorality through sexual abandon and hence destroys the virtuous family-centrist fabric of society. A ‘Slut’ needs to be policed, rehabilitated, restrained and punished. A ‘Slut’ deserves punishment in the form of physical, verbal and psychological abuse - Domestic violence, torture, rape, public shaming, invasion of privacy, dehumanizing, curtailing support system and taking life - each one a criminal act against humanity.

For further reading:


1.  https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-13333013

2.  https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11199-019-01095-z

3. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/why-you-should-stop-using-the-word-slut-as-an-insult-the-story-of-emily-lindins-unslut-project_b_6715534

4. https://ling.yale.edu/sites/default/files/files/alumni%20senior%20essays/Scruton_Eliza%20Senior%20Essay%20Final.pdf

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Criminal Culture (1) – Tame that ‘Bitch’.

13.5x20.5 inches; Pen drawing on handmade paper with watercolour wash (Click on image to enlarge)

You look at me like I exist; because my body displaces the air of your quick appraisal around it and occupies the space of your slow verdict, of whether it is worth your while to humour this piece of meat enough, for a feather-in-the-cap fuck, in time. My chest, my hips, my ass, my legs and everything else in between, except my head (I don’t mean ‘giving head’, silly!), heart and soul, ignites your uncontrollable passion. Men will be men, won’t they? And they will be forever spiralling out of control, won’t they? Decision made, my body either scores high on your lust scale or falls short of it, and accordingly, so does my existence in your attention span. Should I call myself lucky if my body fails to excite you enough? But then, does it really matter? I, my body, may excite some other stranger and it will be the same routine. And then slowly you start your tiresome mating call. Do I appear excited too? Ah, pardon me! You were not instructed to pay attention to such things. Who cares if a piece of meat is interested to fill your appetite, you just grab it and consume it. Who dares deny you? And just because you find me fuck worthy, an automatic neon sign saying ‘Come On’ appears to be glowing all over me!  That’s exactly what happens; I get consumed even if I say, “NO!” You say, “Bitch! You led me on! Don’t play hard-to-get now. You want this badly and I am going to give it to you anyway!” and my aversion fuels your determination. Should I feel thankful, later, if my body does not end up in the morgue? Your crime may get buried under complicit cultural validations, but my scars will run deeper and cut through that safety net, in time.


Bitch – meaning in slang
§  A woman (noun)
§  A despicable woman (noun)
§  A feminine or weak man (noun)
§  A sexually submissive person (noun) e.g. "someone's bitch"
§  something that is difficult or unpleasant (noun)
§  to complain (verb)
§  to inform (verb)
Source: The Concise New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English

Bitch is a sexist/misogynist slur/insult used for

1. A woman who is mean/malicious/strongly opinionated/aggressive

2. A woman with a high sex drive, promiscuous woman e.g. ‘Bitch in heat’

3. A woman not conforming to societal propriety or expectations

4. A man who is considered weak and complaining

5. An androgynous man who is all or any of the above

6. A Transgender person who is all or any of the above

‘Bitch’ didn't really become popular as a universal female insult until the 1920s. Between 1915 and 1930, the use of "bitch" in newspapers and literature more than doubled. That is when women's suffrage happened and they got the right to vote, and men were not happy about it. The feminists have reclaimed and used the word bitch since then to denote strength, ferocity, edginess, authority, determination, willingness to fight it out and establishing sexual agency.

Popular misconception which is propagated in our society – A ‘bitch’ needs to be controlled, tamed and kept on the leash and taught a good lesson/severely punished if needed. The punishment is often meted out in the form of physical, verbal and psychological abuse - Domestic violence, torture, rape, public shaming, curtailing support system and taking life - each one a criminal act against humanity.

For further reading:


1. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/ppmx3m/the-evolution-of-the-bitch-905

2. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11199-019-01095-z

3. https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-36627061

4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitch_(slang)


Friday, August 9, 2019


20.5x28.5 inches; Pen drawing on handmade paper with watercolour wash (Click on image to enlarge)
SOLD. In private collection

The name of Lilith conjures up diverse associations in the mind of those who are familiar with her myth. She is an enigmatic character from the Judeo-Christian stories of Genesis, shrouded in darkness and superstition, almost silenced and meticulously avoided. She earned a notorious reputation in the Jewish tradition as a demon of the night, harbouring a vicious grudge against all the children of Adam and Eve, a constant threat to the well-being of newborn babies and their mothers. She is believed to be the eternally lusty, unsatiated, voluptuous spirit who leads hapless young men astray with erotic dreams when they sleep alone in a house and plagues them with nocturnal emissions! She is the much debated first female companion of Adam, much before Eve was created. She is also the rebellious, free willed, untamed feminine force who will not submit to the domination of man made rules. No wonder she has been reinvented and reimagined as a torchbearer of feminism.

But long before she found her way into Jewish folklore, she is believed to have wandered around in the lores of Sumeria.  Some scholars believe that her origins can be traced back to the ancient Babylonian demonology, which makes her a staggering 4000 years old. Some believe that Lilith is another name of the Sumerian goddess known as ‘Ninlil’ (Meaning ‘Lady Air’. The Sumerian word of air is ‘Lil’.), ‘Ishtar’ or ‘Innana’. This Sumerian goddess is portrayed as a voluptuous woman with wings on her back and claws of an owl in place of her feet. She is always seen standing on two lions and flanked by a pair of owls. The best known example of this iconography is the famous ‘Burney Relief’, currently found on display in the British Museum.

Lilith has been explicitly mentioned in the ‘Alphabet of Ben Sira’, one of the earliest literary parodies in Hebrew literature. The story recorded in it goes like this:

“After God created Adam, who was alone, He said, 'It is not good for man to be alone.' He then created a woman for Adam, from the earth, as He had created Adam himself, and called her Lilith. Adam and Lilith immediately began to fight. She said, 'I will not lie below,' and he said, 'I will not lie beneath you, but only on top, for you are fit only to be in the bottom position, while I am to be the superior one.' Lilith responded, 'We are equal to each other inasmuch as we were both created from the earth.' But they would not listen to one another. When Lilith saw this, she pronounced the Ineffable Name (Name of god which is too holy to be pronounced) and flew away into the air.

Adam stood in prayer before his Creator: 'Sovereign of the universe!' he said, 'the woman you gave me has run away.' At once, the Holy One, blessed be He, sent these three angels Senoy, Sansenoy, and Semangelof, to bring her back. "Said the Holy One to Adam, 'If she agrees to come back, what is made is good. If not, she must permit one hundred of her children to die every day.' The angels left God and pursued Lilith, whom they overtook in the midst of the sea, in the mighty waters wherein the Egyptians were destined to drown. They told her God's word, but she did not wish to return. The angels said, 'We shall drown you in the sea.'

'Leave me!' she said. 'I was created only to cause sickness to infants. If the infant is male, I have dominion over him for eight days after his birth, and if female, for twenty days.' When the angels heard Lilith's words, they insisted she go back. But she swore to them by the name of the living and eternal God: 'Whenever I see you or your names or your forms in an amulet, I will have no power over that infant.' She also agreed to have one hundred of her children die every day. Accordingly, every day one hundred demons perish, and for the same reason, we write the angels names on the amulets of young children. When Lilith sees their names, she remembers her oath, and the child recovers.”

This Story serves a dual purpose. On one hand it has surely been the source of defining and designating Lilith as the hateful demon in Jewish tradition and on the other she has been portrayed as the ‘equal’ of Adam, the woman who will not submit to the rules set down by man, an untamed entity and hence a dangerous challenge to the domination of patriarchy. A force that can’t be controlled is immediately maligned and marginalized as the unworthy or unwanted!
The idea that Adam had a companion prior to Eve has developed from an interpretation of the Book of Genesis.

Genesis 1: 27 reads- “And Elohim created Adam in His Image, in the Image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”

Genesis 2:18 and 22 read- “And Yahweh said, ‘It is not good for Adam to be alone. I will make a fitting helper for him.’ … And Yahweh fashioned the rib that He had taken from the man into a woman; and He brought her to the man.”

These two different creation stories leave a gap where Lilith fits in seamlessly.

But whatever the myth (You can read more in the reference sources I have provided below, if your inquisitiveness has been aroused!) this painting has grown from the soil of my imagination and exploration of the feminine energy/force within me and how Lilith is an embodiment of the same. For me Lilith is the eternal feminine, the unbridled force of nature, the scorching glow of sexuality, the darkness within us, the terror of the unknown, the limitless freedom we seek, the wilderness of lust and temptation, the tenderness of love and compassion, the languor of intoxication, and the power of knowledge and spiritual awakening (Kundalini).

Lilith for me is a metaphor for duality in nature. She is strength and vulnerability fused into one. She is the symbol for all that guides our natural (animal) instincts and rebels against artificiality and control and yet she is bound by her own limitations. She can be either liberating or self destructive. She may also lead us to liberation through destruction of the ‘Self’! She can guide us through self discovery or drown us in self doubt. All in all, she is a raw force we are scared to acknowledge but when embraced with humility she strengthens us with her nurturing. 

Hebrew Myths: The Book of Genesis by Robert Graves and Raphael Patai ( New York: Doubleday, 1964)
The Hebrew Goddess, by Raphael Patai (Wayne State University Press, 3rd edition, 1978)

Monday, June 12, 2017

Pancha Mahabhoota 5 - Vyom (ether/space)

12x16 inches; Pen drawing on acid free textured paper (Click on image to enlarge)


Who includes diversity and is Nature,
Who is the amplitude of the earth, and the coarseness and sexuality of the earth, and the great charity of the earth and the equilibrium also,
Who has not look’d forth from the windows the eyes for nothing, or whose brain held audience with messengers for nothing,
Who contains believers and disbelievers, who is the most majestic lover,
Who holds duly his or her triune proportion of realism, spiritualism, and of the æsthetic or intellectual,
Who having consider’d the body finds all its organs and parts good,
Who, out of the theory of the earth and of his or her body understands by subtle analogies all other theories,
The theory of a city, a poem, and of the large politics of these States;
Who believes not only in our globe with its sun and moon, but in other globes with their suns and moons,
Who, constructing the house of himself or herself, not for a day but for all time, sees races, eras, dates, generations,
The past, the future, dwelling there, like space, inseparable together.

- Walt Whitman

Friday, May 19, 2017

Pancha Mahabhoota 3 - Kshiti (earth)

12x16 inches; Pen drawing on acid free textured paper (Click on image to enlarge)

The End Of The World

Here, at the end of the world,
the flowers bleed
as if they were hearts,
the hearts ooze a darkness
like India Ink,
& poets dip their pens in
& they write.

"Here, at the end of the world,"
they write,
not knowing what it means.
"Here, where the sky nurses on black milk,
where the smokestack feed the sky,
where the trees tremble in terror
& people come to resemble them. . . . "

Here, at the end of the world,
the poets are bleeding.
Writing & bleeding
are thought to be the same;
singing & bleeding
are thought to be the same.

Write us a letter!
Send us a parcel of food!
Comfort us with proverbs or candied fruit,
with talk of one God.
Distract us with theories of art
no one can prove.

Here at the end of the world
our heads are empty,
& the wind walks through them
like ghosts
through a haunted house. 

Erica Jong