

The gift to create form, from the mist of imagination, is pure magic!

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Guilty As charged 7 - Gluttony

8x8 inches (unframed); Watercolour and Pen drawing on Executive Bond paper (Click on image to enlarge)

Gluttony is an emotional escape, a sign something is eating us.

-Peter De Vries, American author and editor

Friday, January 22, 2016

Guilty As Charged 6 - Avarice

8x8 inches (unframed); Watercolour and Pen drawing on Executive Bond paper (Click on image to enlarge)

Greed's worst point is its ingratitude.

- Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Roman Stoic philosopher, statesman, dramatist.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Guilty As Charged 5 - Vanity

8x8 inches (unframed); Watercolour and Pen drawing on Executive Bond paper (Click on image to enlarge)

‘Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously. A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us.’

- Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice

Friday, January 8, 2016

Guilty As Charged 4 - Envy

8x8 inches (unframed); Watercolour and Pen drawing on Executive Bond paper (Click on image to enlarge)

'The flower which is single need not envy the thorns that are numerous.'

- Rabindranath Tagore